Monday, March 16, 2009

Those Special Moments...

Shea Austin is growing up! Sometimes it makes me sad because every time I turn around... POOF! Another sign she is growing up. This weekend she donned her social butterfly wings and fluttered around Eustis seeing one friend after another. Friday night she had Ari sleep over at our house, Saturday she had Morgan's 'Fancy Nancy Birthday Soiree' (hence the beautiful get-up) and spent the night Saturday with Elizabeth. Surprisingly, she was not grumpy on Sunday- but did still insist on wearing her Fancy Nancy gear. Shea now talks about things with meaning. She discusses her hair- the long, blond locks she is terribly proud of, but refuses to let anyone near with a pair of scissors. She has informed me that pickles are 'blehhck', and on Sunday we had a long conversation about the injustices of being the baby of the family. Shea is now capable of cleaning her own room and doing other chores. She is interested in gardening and asks me questions about the different plants that are growing. She can TELL TIME, count by 10s and 5s, and can tie her own shoes- even though she is still amazed that Mommy is so much better at it! Next time I turn around, we will be arguing over the same things I argue with Ryley and Casey about- no you can't wear make-up, yes those shorts are too short, and no boyfriends- yet! Right now, I am enjoying the five-year old arguments- who loves who more, why can't I wear my princess shoes on my scooter, and my favorite- plaid and stripes do match Mom! If Shea is growing up this fast for me- I can only imagine what is happening for the rest of you!

You are my Shea-shine- my only Shea-shine.

You make me happy when skies are grey.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you!

Please don't take my Shea-shine away.

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