Saturday, March 15, 2008

Holy Macinolee-- it has been awhile!

Sorry folks- although I don't think many people besides me read this blog- I have been pretty lax lately about posts. Kids were sick, I was sick, things got insane at work... blah, blah, blah, blah...

It has been a week of events at our house! Molly lost another tooth, Shea learned to tie her shoes! (Can you hear the Hallelujia Choir) Casey lost another tooth, and Ryley and Casey finished FCAT. For those of you who don't know what FCAT is- it is Florida's punishment on students and teachers alike. It is pure testing hell- because we all know that standardized testing is the way to determine a student's growth and education level. WAIT! I am an educator, and supposed to support FCAT... so, I LOVE FCAT! (gagging silently)

Anyway, we celebrated with mini-cupcakes (from the bakery) and we had an oops. The Tooth Fairy forgot to come for Molly. Well, it turns out the TF was very confused because she left her tooth on TOP of the pillow and not BENEATH the pillow, so the situation was remedied the next night!

I wanted to share with you the following link...

For those of you who have not heard of this, it is the Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon Professor who is dying from Pancreatic Cancer. He is leaving behind 3 young children, and any parent who hasn't thought about that is lying. Anyway, it is so amazing, that I showed it to my students (of course, I fast forwarded through the couple of cuss words) and am having them write speeches on the most important lesson to learn in life.

I was really blessed to have my father-in-law send it to us, and even more so to have a husband that wanted to sit and watch it together. The part about having fun hit home, because we haven't been making having fun a priority lately- survival mode does that to ya!

But enjoy, and I'll log-in soon!

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