Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Moment that Makes a Mother Proud

As usual our weekend was jammed full! We had P.'s Christmas Party in Orlando. We had to finish shopping for the kids we Holi-dopted from my school. (Holi-dopt- to adopt a child for the Holidays to make sure they have a merry Christmas), get R. and C. ready for their performance tonight, and my goodness- the three million other things Moms have to do on weekends.

Anyway, after the mountains of errands, we decided to treat ourselves to eating out for dinner. This is an expensive engagement for a family of 6- and we even chose Chili's. Like a typical female, I run for the bathroom and leave P. to wrestle with the kids, get a table and get drinks ordered. It wasn't long until I heard little voices approach- first it was C. then M. soon followed... this is the glorious conversation I witnessed from the safety of my stall.

C- "Molly, is that you?"
M- "Yeah- you went way to fast across the restaurant. I couldn't keep up."
C- "Well, I had to piss like a race horse, so I couldn't wait."

These words from my daughter- and my husband thought he had no influence on the girls.

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